Thousands of Somali Americans in Twin cities are expected to protest Suicide radical Islam, suicide bombing, terror attacks In Somalia this Friday July 3rd 2009, from 3:00 PM- 6:00 PM. It will be held at Peavey Park (730 22nd street, Minneapolis, MN – Peavey Park is located at the intersection of ( E.Franklin Ave & Chicago Ave).
Somali community public relations organizers are requesting that the protesters bring signs. Organizers state: The Somali-American Community in Minnesota is taking a stand and we want the world, the mainstream Community and the Somalis in the Diaspora to know our stand and strong opposition to these terrorists. The Somali-American Community in Minnesota will release a press release and voice the community stand on issues related to suicide bombings and terrorism in the protest. The Somali-American Community in Minnesota is requesting you to attend and cover the protest and to join us in the condemnation of the violent extremists and their suicide bombings.
Somalia has been in civil war for the past 20 years. However, in the last two years there have been a number of suicide bombings in and acts of terrorism. These acts of terrorism and suicide bombings are done by a very extreme and violent cult named Al-Shabaab. The United States Department of State designated this group as a terrorist organization
Suicide bombings, acts of terrorism and violent militant Islam are new and scary development unheard and unseen in Somalia and it´s an alien to the tolerant and moderate Islam Somalis practiced for centuries. Many believe the Al-Shabaab militants are allied with Al-Qaeda terrorist and trained by them.
Somalis all over the world and specially Somali-Americans in Minnesota strongly oppose these suicide bombings and acts of terrorism. A group of concerned Somali-Americans are organizing a protest to show the community's disgust and opposition to such un-Islamic, un-Somali acts of terrorism. Somali Americans strongly condemn the suicide bombings and terrorism of Al-Shabaab and the warmongering of Hizb-Islam, another militant group allied with Al-Shabaab. Somali-Americans in Minnesota believe the only way to solve the Somali crisis is through peace and dialogue.
Source: American Chronicle
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