Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Freemasonic Conspiracy vs. 4000 Years of Somali History: Targets, Methods of the Anglo-French Elites

February 17, 2009

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

Trying to interpret the historical developments of the last 18 years and to identify the reasons for Somalia´s tribulation, one gets immediately confronted with the phenomenon of Colonialism.

It is very troublesome and absolutely misleading for any observer, analyst, political commentator, and/or historical expert to consider colonialism as a mere military – political – economic affair that starts with the arrival of an inimical fleet or army and ends with the departure of the foreign (read alien) rulers and their infrastructure.

What is Colonialism?

Colonialism is primarily a cultural and behavioural phenomenon that permeates the entire society of the colonized nation in multifaceted – always disastrous – ways. In fact, the arrival of the foreign military might, and the orchestrated diffusion of paranoid lies about the possibly positive economic impact of the foreign military presence in the early colonized land represent only some of the colonial methods and means, not the real target. Then follows the beginning of the economic exploitation (which certainly takes the form of an apparently innocent but actually immoral cooperation of colonizers with local elements attracted to financial differentiation and subjected to corruption), and the administrative colonization (the export of the colonizing country´s administrative machine). But the real target is other; needing several decades to be implemented, the social-behavioural, educational and cultural colonialism is the real target of the colonial English and French.

Cultural colonialism is the true, deep colonialism; it is the core of the disastrous plan set up by the Anglo-French elites. As plan, it is absolutely evil and genuinely inhuman, because it entails the export of the colonizing country´s social-behavioural, educational, academic, intellectual, and cultural character, system and identity, which are all projected and forcefully imposed (as supposedly superior or more progressive or further developed or definitely advanced) on the colonized nation. The impact – effectuated within a context of economic, political and military oppression – is uniquely traumatic and totally corrosive. It generates incommensurable complexes of inferiority at the national level, and almost irreversible national corrosion at all levels; the colonized nation starts thus becoming an altered, decayed, corrupted, and disintegrated society. The evil colonial plan is geared to finally turn the colonized society into a truly defunct nation – in terms of national authenticity, historical continuity, and cultural identity.

What would have been left of their nature, cultural identity, and national character to the people of Algeria, if they had learned Chinese as first language, behaved like the Chinese, socialize like the Chinese, studied Chinese philosophy incomparably better than their own, learned Chinese History far better than their own past, assimilated the Chinese culture by alienating themselves from their own, identified the Chinese as superior people whom they would have had to always imitate in everything, and in doing so, they would have abolished their own true and authentic identity?

The answer to this lengthy question is just one word: ´Nothing´.

So, nothing is left of them after 130 years of excruciating, racist and malignant French colonialism.

As a matter of fact, and due to the colonial elites´ immorality, hypocrisy, duplicity and mendacity, after the original colonial target is achieved, the colonial presence can be reduced or simply terminated; it matters not whether the already alienated, colonized nation develops feelings against the former colonizer. There are several reasons for it.

First, many people originating from the colonized nation have already pursued studies in some of the colonizing country´s universities. This translates to extraordinary attraction, cultural alienation, and identity deformation, corruption or extermination; these graduates and doctors are absolutely thoughtless beings, mere colonial products that, when they go back to their country, even if the colonial rule has ended, help strengthen the colonization in their own field. They oppose systematically the anti-colonial feelings, ideas and policies, and progressively change, curve or eliminate them. They consciously or unconsciously enslave their own country more and more.

Second, the anti-colonial feelings are mostly phrased in colonial terms because of the already occurred cultural alienation of the colonized nation, and consequently they are predestined to doom. To clearly identify successful ways of fighting, reversing, and eliminating the already occurred cultural alienation, it would take the development of a vast anti-colonial theoretical background.

Modern Colonialism: France and England

In fact, over the past 500 years, all over the world, there have been attested eleven (11) colonial powers in total: Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, England, Russia, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Japan, and America. However, the real phenomenon of Modern Colonialism is due to mainly two of them, the evil regimes of England and France.

Spain and Portugal

Spain and Portugal have been the very early colonial powers that expanded mainly in America; their colonialism resulted in abhorrent genocides that are still haunting the Mankind – although both countries never formally apologized. Their influence has finally started being rejected by the supporters of the Indigenous Cultures´ Authenticity, Continuity and Prevalence, President Evo Morales of Bolivia, and many others. However, Spanish and Portuguese colonialism was mainly a religious colonialism, involving the imposition of Catholic Christianity.

But Spanish culture, behavioural system, and education has had little effect on an Aymara Bolivian if compared with the imposition of French culture, behavioural system, and education on an Algerian. Spanish and Portuguese religious colonialism was more superficial indeed – to the benefit of the colonized nations, who managed – to large extent – to maintain their cultural authenticity and national identity.


Holland, a tiny North-western European nation, expanded – proportionally speaking – much, but they had an impact mostly in America (parts of the US that were later sold to England, and Guyana) where the indigenous people had not developed a sophisticated civilization, involving advanced socio-political system and cultural – intellectual background (unlike the Mayas, the Aztecs and the Incas). Almost the same can be said for the main Dutch colony, Indonesia, whereby the various sultanates and emirates never reached the sophistication level of the Indian states or the great Oriental monarchies, the Ottoman Empire, Iran and China.

Belgium and Germany

What was said about Holland also concerns Belgium and Germany; the former colonized Congo (formerly Zair) and the latter expanded in Cameroon, Namibia and East Africa for an even shorter period. Germany´s involvement and defeat in WW I put an end to this short-lived Traum (dream). These lands were vast but had not been home to a very sophisticated civilization and highly organized state whatsoever.


Japan´s militaristic expansionism in East Asia was almost part of a clash with the Western powers´ influence in the area. It can hardly be called ´colonialism´; it is however necessary to notice that, despite their cruel military machine, Japan did not try to convert the invaded lands´ and islands´ populations to cultural clones of the Japanese – which is to be recognized to their credit, if compared with the Anglo-French evildoing.


Russian colonialism is a particular case; it mainly consists in military expansion over northern steppes and mostly uninhabited lands. The Russians first reached the Northeastern coast of Asia and furthermore expanded in Alaska (that they later sold to America) and later expanded in Transcaucasia and Central Asia, lands of sophisticated and ancient civilizations where strong states and empires had existed. The Russian / Soviet colonialism in Transcaucasia and Central Asia has been characterized by brutal military oppression, religious or ideological colonialism, and thus caused massive exoduses. In the case of the Tatars, we speak of plain genocide. Russian expansion in Europe cannot be characterized as colonialism as it is relevant to the structure of the medieval European religious states, kingdoms and empires, and their ceaseless fights and wars.

However, Russian culture, behavioural system, and education has had little effect on an Uzbek or Turkmen if compared with the imposition of French culture, behavioural system, and education on a Tunisian.


American colonialism is a term that can denote two different types of colonialism: either classical style modern colonialism or global colonialism of the second half of the 20th century. As far as the former is concerned, America´s colonialism was limited (Panama, Porto Rico, Guam and the Philippines); it was an act triggered by the colonial English policy makers who had just risen in power in America, reversing and canceling the message, concepts and principles of the Founding Fathers. It represented merely an extra facet of the monstrous anti-Spanish and anti-Latin racism of the English (partly projected on the Yankees); in this sense, it heralded the second type of American colonialism.

The global type of colonialism is certainly ´American´, but it can hardly be attributed to the American Nation itself, as they are represented by historical texts, the American Constitution and all the American Independence related documents. The military, socioeconomic, political, educational, academic, intellectual and cultural colonialism of the Global Era and the Consumers´ Society was not among the hopes, the wishes, the targets and desires of the Founding Fathers. It does not reflect in anything the ideals heralded by them.

The massive commercialization, the consumers´ society, the global economy, the parameters of the Cold War, the containment of Russia / USSR and China, the Securitization and the so-called Casino Capitalism were all important points of the Anglo-French colonial establishment and the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge that controls the West European colonial regimes, and through them the American establishment that turned out to be a mere political apostasy. In fact, Washington acted - over the past 65 years – as an humble annex of the Foreign Office and as the vicar the inhuman and perverse, English colonialism.


Italy offered a different colonial model, far closer to the Roman prototype than the Anglo-French evilness; Somalis and Eritreans, Libyans and Greeks of the Dodecanese islands were not obliged to perceive their existence as possible only if linked to and aligned with Savonarola´s ideas, Pico della Mirandola´s humanism, Cossimo dei Medicis´ erudition, Tintoretto´s aesthetics, Commedia dell´ Arte theatrical rules, and Rossini´s concept of harmony. Respect to indigenous culture was present in all these territories at the times of the Italian colonial rule.

Unfortunately, Italy was governed by the extreme right – as reaction to the Freemasonic agenda against Italy (represented by the leftists´ programs that suited rather the Anglo-French interests than Italy´s predestination); Italy´s alliance with Nazi Germany tarnished Rome´s worldwide image, leading analysts and commentators, historians and political scientists to misconceptions and inaccuracies. Italian colonialism was human and exemplary if compared to all the aforementioned types of colonial power, and it would have represented the Paradise on Earth, had one fool dared to compare it with the Anglo-French evilness and the Abyssinian bestiality.

Anglo-French colonialism

I expanded on the targets of the Anglo-French colonialism in the beginning. Here, I intend to expand on specific policies pursued by the Anglo-French elites that helped the aforementioned targets of social-behavioural, educational and cultural colonialism.

As I said earlier, the evil Anglo-French colonial plan is geared to finally turn the colonized society into a defunct nation – in terms of national authenticity, historical continuity, and cultural identity. This plan never ends, and it is pursued methodically by the local agents of the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge, namely the embassies, consulates and cultural centres of England and France.

What major directions of policy have been implemented by the two colonial regimes in order to bring forth the desired results? It is essential to understand that prevention of national authenticity, historical continuity, and cultural identity means different policies and projects, always according to the specific needs of every terrain.

Description de l´ Egypte, Orientalism and Somalia

One will always fail to perceive the Anglo-French colonialism in its correct and true dimensions, if no due attention is paid to the monumental colonial masterpiece ´Description de l´ Egypte´, authored by the numerous French academicians who followed Napoleon in his highly secretive 1798 expedition. The multi-voluminous work reflected a real extraction, robbery and removal of any architectural, epigraphic, artistic, artificial, technical and natural detail that could be detected and observed throughout the invaded country.

If we consider the attempt at the level of publication, nothing existed in Egypt at the time that had not been included.

If we consider the attempt at the level of knowledge and understanding, within the brief period of recording and studying the existing data, the colonial academics turned all the Egyptians (from the most learned mufti to the last analphabetic farmer) to low-level pupils, ignorant novices, and maladroit apprentices.

One may counter-suggest that the aforementioned opus concerns only Egypt, which is true. One can also state that, quite contrarily to what one may have expected then, there has never been a ´Description de la Mesopotamie´, a ´Description de la Phoenicie´ or a ´Description de la Perse´. But the colonial academic purpose was not to cover the area of the great ancient civilizations with similar erudite compositions. More indicatively, there was never a ´Description de la Grece´. The reason is simple. The notorious ´Description de l´ Egypte´ was not composed for either the Egyptians or the average public; it is clear that by the time of its publication (which lasted 17 years, 1809 – 1826, involving the delivery of 23 volumes in mammutfolio dimensions 1 m x 81 cm) not a single Egyptian would bother to buy let alone read it. Had such an awkward person ever existed, he or she would have had pain to understand the purpose, the reason, and the scope of the entire endeavour which involved the collection of all this material.

In fact, the ´Description de l´ Egypte´ was a pilot work geared for the French scholars only – geared to help them establish – among and for themselves – the techniques, the methods of study, and the premeditated disclosure of the conclusions in a way to perfectly adjust them with the overall plan of Colonial Humanities. These conclusions were shared only among European academia, thus creating a certain intellectual competition that only intensified the progress needed by the colonial academia of France and England. Italian, German, Swiss and other Northern European Orientalists worked for the political benefit of their Anglo-French counterparts. Nice!

When the adventurous Freemasonic colonial academia traveled along with Napoleon to Egypt, the Egyptian Hieroglyphics had not yet been deciphered. By the time the publication of the ´Description de l´ Egypte´ was completed, the first stage of the decipherment of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics had been attained by Champollion, and consecrated by the French Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (the acceptance of Champollion´s Lettre a Mr. Dacier, the Permanent Secretary of the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres), although many suggest that the correct and accurate understanding of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics had never been lost, that the last priests of Edfu, Esna and Philae crossed the North African coast and reached Galatia (France) and Britannia (England), and that there they conferred to others the knowledge of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics which was maintained within the secretive circles of the opponents of Christianity (Late Antiquity Roman Mithraism and Isidism, Gnostics, Hermetic Groups, Manichaean monks) and the Christian heretics (Arians, Cathars, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucian Order), who all form the historical background of the Freemasonry and the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge. How did Beethoven use correct Egyptian personal names in his Zauberfloete (the Magic Flute), wonder some insiders……

Whatever historical interpretation may be accepted, in the 1820s the information flow and the collected data from any part of the world had already given to the then leading humanists and historians an approximate understanding of the World History´s major historical developments; the adjustments made on the material collected from Egypt and the ensuing interpretative model would (and did) not have a use within the context of Egyptology only, but in all the branches of Orientalism, either already launched by then (Hindology, Iranology) or not (indicatively: Assyriology, Hittitology, Yemenite – ´South Arabic´ – Studies). What was then made sure was that never ever new data would encumber or obstruct in any possible way the basic pillars of the Colonial Dogma composed by the Apostate Freemasonic Anglo-French academia.

As a matter of fact, Orientalism was formed only not to upset Hellenism, which was the first colonial dogma composed by the Apostate Freemasonic Anglo-French academia already in the late 17th - early 18th century; Orientalism was developed in away to rather consolidate the earlier promulgated fallacy, according to which an erroneous, fictional Greco-Romano-centrism ought to be accepted worldwide as the top means for the entire world´s ultimate westernization.

To give a simple example of concerted academic guideline and colonial practice with respect to Somalia, suffice it to mention the following; because Greek and Roman cultural expansion during the Antiquity scarcely expanded beyond the southern borders of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt (few textual references to expeditions and explorations in Meroitic Ethiopia, today´s Sudan, and Yemen, plus a limited epigraphic and numismatic evidence from Sudan and Eritrea), the colonial Egyptologists´ treacherous work had to be adjusted to the aforementioned reality. Consequently, and until today, almost 200 years after the decipherment of the Hieroglyphics, not a single Egyptologist bothered to collect in a series of volumes the corpus of the abundant Hieroglyphic epigraphic evidence from Somalia. Not a simple Egyptologist expressed an academic concern for extensive archeological surface surveys that would lead to the later undertaking of systematic archeological excavations throughout Somalia in order to unearth Somali Antiquities and several Ancient Egyptian temples that bear witness to the Ancient Egyptian cultural, political and economic expansion that outweighs the diffusion of the Ancient Greco-Roman culture.

The Egyptologists´ premeditated indifference for Somalia was not a mere academic trickery; it influenced greatly the modern nation-building effort, by damaging Somalia´s chances to ever achieve it. It is easy to explain why; we have to go back to the issue we hinted at, namely the major policy directions implemented by the two colonial regimes, in order to identify the aforementioned colonial targets generally, and in the case of Somalia.

Major Colonial Policy Directions

The major colonial policy directions provide – according to each case – for

1. The formation of a fake identity. This helps the colonial powers engulf different nations into false nationalist mythologies, trigger the respective political movements, and through the orchestrated disorder, prevent national authenticity, historical continuity, and cultural identity. In this case, the population of a certain ethno-religious background is deceitfully guided to believe that they belong to another, practically speaking, extinct nation. The Aramaeans who believe today they are ´Assyrians´ or ´Chaldaeans´ are one example.

2. The amalgamation of various ethno-religious groups within a, false or inexistent, identity. In this case, confusion is produced in order to make nations of different backgrounds lose their identity and form an amorphous pseudo-nation, which is a political monster known for its tyrannical machinery, oppressive administration, and internal conflicts. Modern Ethiopia is an example in this case. Here I don´t refer to the fallacy of attributing another – historically invalid – name to Abyssinia; in fact, Ethiopia can be the national name of Sudan (as it was in the Antiquity) or the name of a state established by all the Eastern African Kushites (the Oromos, the Sidamas, the Kaffas, the Shekachos, the Kambaatas, the Hadiyas, and the Afars) – a state from which the Semitic Amharas and Tigrays will be excluded. However, I mention here modern Ethiopia as an example for this type of colonial policy direction, because precisely there is no Ethiopian nation; there is an Oromo Nation, a separate Sidama Nation, a distinct Amhara Nation, and the same for the Ogadenis (who are Somalis), the Kambaatas, the Afars, the Tigrays, the Shekachos and all the rest. But there is no ´Ethiopian´ nation.

3. The division of several nations, who retain their true identity, and their partly annexation to fake – otherwise inexistent – states. Typical examples for this case are the nation of the Afars and the fake state ´Djibouti´. The Afars have been peremptorily divided among Abyssinia, Djibouti and (since 1991) Eritrea; on the other hand, Djibouti is a useless state whereby an Afar minority is oppressed by the Issa Somali majority who have practically speaking no reason to be secluded in a state other than Somalia, since they are Somalis. At a far greater scale and with the sole exception of Brazil, all the Latin American countries that are located in the south of US should logically form a united state to promote administrative, political and military unification, while offering the indigenous nations a pioneering role therein to play.

4. The orchestrated oppression and the persecution of the nations, who still retain their true identity. This can be extremely a very well diversified policy; it can involve incitement of fratricidal conflicts, and civil wars, taciturn acceptance of the colonial annexation of the land by another state, total disregard for any research and exploration in the territory of the nation in question, black propaganda against that nation, rejection of Ph.D. topics related to the relevant Humanities whenever suggested by benevolent and unsuspicious young researchers, etc.

5. Insistence on maintaining the colonial borders which are all false and unrepresentative of the national and cultural realities in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

6. Maintenance of the academic – educational – cultural inequality between the colonial center and the colonized periphery, which translates to unbridged socioeconomic and political divide; for instance, an Egyptian student willing to study Berber, Somali, Afar and Oromo Language, Literature, History and Culture has to travel to a colonial capital to do so, and the same is true for a Berber, Somali, Afar and Oromo who may want to study Ancient Egyptian Language, Literature, Religion and History. Interconnectedness among the colonized nations has always been severely targeted by the colonial powers, their Freemasonic academia and diplomats, who are aware of the fact that interconnectedness starts with Humanities and not the useless Engineering. The reality is simple: if interconnectedness is blocked at the Humanities level, it will never be achieved at the level of Political Relations, Economic Cooperation, and Technical Infrastructure.

7. Disconnection due to cruel oppression of illegally subjugated or annexed nations. In fact, there is no reason for the Bejas to belong to a fake state Sudan, no reason for the Sidamas to belong to a fake state Abyssinia, no reason for the Luos to belong to a fake state Kenya. When this happens, true interconnectedness becomes impossible within the colonial periphery. The oppression triggered because of the illegal annexation makes of the oppressed people of the colonial state a most hated and despised, exploited and excruciated entity for the local central administration. It ends up with its elimination.

If Sudan does not avail a Beja University, and Beja Language depts. in three other universities, Beja language study and research will be left to the colonial capitals´ universities; the same for the Berbers of Algeria. Yet, interconnectedness between the Sudanese and the Algerians would be possible only if a Berber from Algeria moved to Sudan to be specialized in Beja, and, after a Ph.D. passed in a (hypothetical) Beja University at Port Sudan, returned to Algeria to set up a Beja Dept. in Annaba University.

Interconnectedness of ruling tyrannical groups is a self-contradictory term that prohibits the true interconnectedness of the oppressed majorities that form different – true – nations, not a fake nation named after a disreputable colonial state first conceived in Paris or London.

Colonial Policies Against Somalia

Specifying the major colonial policy directions plays a great role in identifying real possibilities of exit. Pre-Civil War Somali politicians and statesmen, intellectuals and academia failed to perceive the existing threat. The fact that Somalia was colonized mainly by Italy, and only partly by England and France, should not have been interpreted as guarantee for a hypothetical Anglo-French indifference.

The adjacent examples of Abyssinia and Kenya were very evocative in this regard; various nations had been compressed within those obsolete colonial structures. Yet, the Anglo-French propaganda – at the level of the academia, the mass media and the international diplomacy – favored these two fake states at the prejudice of Somalia – the only true, real East African Nation with a great past that had formed a homeland (despite the exceptions of Ogaden, Djibouti´s Issa Somalis, and Kenya´s Somali minority). For millennia, the Kenyan and Tanzanian coastland formed a cultural, socioeconomic and political unity with Somalia (called Azania and Punt in different times of the Pre-Islamic Antiquity).

But for the colonial schemes, the disturbing Islamic identity of the culturally unified region had to be broken to pieces, and this was achieved by means of the paranoid detachment of the Islamic East African coastland from Somalia, and the subsequent attachment of its divided parts to the otherwise useless and fake states of Kenya and Tanzania that represented a curse for the therein entangled and oppressed nations.

More clearly, the colonial transfer of power from the English to the repellant Abyssinian tyranny of the Cannibal Haile Selassie in Ogaden should have been duly interpreted by the Somali administrations after 1960; it meant an evil predisposition of the English against the Somali Nation in its entirety that would not end up easily. As one after the other the European colonies became independent in the 50s and the 60s, there was no apparent reason for Ogaden to be given to Abyssinia. It could have formed a separate state, and later on, when Somalia became independent, the Ogadenis could merge with the rest of the Somalis.

All these developments did not bode well for the benevolent but naïve Somali political leadership of the 60s; President Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke´s strong connection with the later assassinated President Kennedy worsened the situation, because it truly irritated the Anglo-French colonial elites. No one viewed the assassination of the Somali JFK within its true context thus far; yet, it demonstrates a deep, colonial, anti-Somali predisposition and hatred that finally proved to be able to reach the same end as in the case of the assassinated American president.

The stance of the colonial powers in the Ogaden war is also indicative; acting as intermediaries between America and the USSR, London and Paris did their best to let Moscow understand that no one in the West would oppose the uniquely provocative act of aerial transportation of besotted Cuban brigades to fight against those whom they should have supported. The spectacular failure of the Russian / Soviet African policy is easily attested today; Moscow played idiotically the colonial game, and was afterwards eliminated from all parts of Eastern Africa. Who gives a damn for Russia today in Eastern Africa?

I will terminate this article with a reference to the major colonial policy directions against Somalia that targeted precisely the Somali national authenticity, historical continuity, and cultural identity.

1. Despite President Siad Barre´s great campaign for alphabetization, which is something impossible to be materialized in the barbaric state of Abyssinia (where ignorance and illiteracy are basic means for tyranny prolongation), the colonial academia did their ingenious best to diminish the historical importance of the Somali language, while promoting Kiswahili as a regional lingua franca.

2. Systematized indifference for the Pre-Islamic Antiquity of Somalia, which played a far greater role than either Kush - Ancient Ethiopia (today´s Sudan) or Abyssinia (today´s fake ´Ethiopia´) in the History of the Mankind, and more particularly in the History of East – West commercial relations, cultural – behavioural exchanges, and socioeconomic interconnectedness.

3. Despite the interest of many colonial historians to come up with a Concise History manual textbook for many other modern nations, and therein record an otherwise disputed historical continuity, never ever a single Concise History manual book has been composed, with reference to the existing Egyptian Hieroglyphic, Ancient Greek, Latin, Ancient Yemenite, Hebrew, Syriac, Sanskrit, Prakrit, Middle Persian, Medieval Greek, Arabic, Farsi, Ottoman Turkish, and other sources, in order to highlight, underscore and duly diffuse worldwide the diachronic continuity (for more almost 4 millennia) of Somalia´s History.

4. Disregard for the infrastructure work needed in Humanities for a proper nation-building effort, involving systematic archeological excavations, comprehensive socio-anthropological research, full repertory of all monumental and epigraphic antiquities on Somali territory, extensive cataloguing of the Somali Cultural and Folklore Heritage, complete publication of a multilingual Somali Encyclopedia of the Somali Nation, which all would constitute the fundamental elements of a National System of Somali Education.

5. Persistent diplomatic / academic maneuvering aiming at limiting the historical interest of the Somali nation, political class, intellectuals and academia exclusively in the Islamic Ages. Through this trickery, the colonial elites would achieve two goals:

a. Somali disinterest for Somalia´s longest part of History (in which Somalia played a worldwide critical role, being the center of gravitation of Roman, Egyptian, Greek, Phoenician, Aramaean, Yemenite, Persian, Indian, Sri Lankan and Indonesian exchange, trade and navigation), and

b. Unhindered promotion of the colonially supported falsified versions of Eastern African History, composed through a totally distorted and absolutely fallacious pro-Abyssinian viewpoint which reflects the gravely racist, anti-Somali, anti-Islamic, and anti-African agenda of the Freemasonic colonial elites and the analphabetic and barbaric Amhara and Tigray ruling gangsters.

6. Related with the previous point has been the diplomatic / academic maneuvering aiming at pushing Somalia, a non Arabic nation, to develop closer relations with the Arab League, and thus become a member state in an absolutely colonial organization whereby the only Arab state is Saudi Arabia.

The aforementioned analysis is a brief enumeration of the most important points and reasons for which the colonial powers triggered a civil war in Somalia, and demonstrated inhuman indifference to all the calls that demanded immediate pacification and rehabilitation for Somalia, and freedom for all the Somalis. In fact, a successful nation – building effort carried out in a Greater Somalia – which is the inevitable course of the History – would terribly damage the Anglo-French colonial interests.

And only to eliminate the extreme peril coming from a Greater Somalia, so many great powers like the USSR, the colonial powers of Western Europe, America, Japan, India and the Arab League joined forces and allowed the formidably armed Cubans, fanaticized with the hallucination of a victorious Marxism – Leninism, to prevail over the heroic soldiers of President Siad Barre, and thus prolong the shameful life of the most malodorous butchery of the world, the humanly prohibited state of Abyssinia (criminally re-baptized Ethiopia).


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