Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Al-Shabaab is Somalia’s headache, not Kenya’s

MANY JOURNALISTS SEEM to support the idea of Kenya sending its armed forces to Somalia to fight the Al-Shabaab.

Go to war over what and why? What dispute does Kenya have with the militia or the Somali citizens who support it?

The war in Somalia is an internal armed insurrection that does not warrant intervention by a neighbouring state.

It is not Kenya’s problem that the fledgling government in Mogadishu is too weak to deal with an internal problem, nor is it the responsibility of Kenya to shore up a government the Somalis consider to be a puppet of some foreign power(s).

Al-Shabaab cannot thrive if the citizens of Somalia or a sizeable population of it do not believe in its cause. The militia is thriving because some Somalis are persuaded by its cause and are offering active support and comfort to its members and fighters.

A MILITIA FORCE IS NOT A CONVENTIONAL static force; it is ever active and lives and thrives among a complacent populace and “eats” from them.

Al-Shabaab and many other armed groups in Somalia have raised the issue of legitimacy against the government of Sheikh Sharif. This is a complex matter, and even Ethiopia failed to pacify them for two years.

For starters, it is important to know that when you are fighting an internal armed group, it is not enough to capture territory and grounds of tactical importance; you must win the war in the minds and hearts of the people too.

This is why the issue of legitimacy has stalked the Transitional Federal Government since Ethiopia’s invasion.

The US is facing similar issues in Iraq and Afghanistan despite its enormous military might. I highly doubt Kenya would fare any better than Ethiopia.

It is important for those who are supporting a war against Al-Shabaab to understand that no government can competently administer a territory if there is lingering question over its legitimacy. Only Somalis can address this issue.

The TFG has consistently failed to marshal international support and recognition owing to lingering questions over its legitimacy. Kenya’s intervention will not solve this issue.

Secondly, just suppose Kenya were to intervene in Somalia to shore up the TFG; where will be the front? Many do not seem to remember that Kenya has a 1200-km frontier with Somalia which is largely unpoliced. What ground of tactical importance would our armed forces seek to hold against the militia?

A militia group is not static or encamped force; it is a highly mobile, agile and versatile amorphous force which periodically mutates depending on the nature of the threat at hand.

How would it deal with the armed and non-armed members of the group? Would they be considered prisoners of war and therefore entitled to the privileges accorded to prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions?

And if so, where would they be incarcerated during the war period? Or would they be handed over to the TFG for “trial”?

Before anybody beats the drums of war, they should think about the withdrawal strategy. Al-Shabaab is fighting a proxy war funded by foreign powers and wealthy merchants and is likely to stake it out as long as the purse strings remain open.

Unless Kenya is willing to put itself in a similar position as the USA is in Iraq and Afghanistan, then war against Al-Shabaab is not worth it.

FINALLY, ANY SUPPORT FOR THE OPTION of war against Al-Shabaab should be accompanied by a personal declaration that one is willing to be conscripted or allow his children, siblings and other relatives to be conscripted.

According to the Armed Forces Act, Cap 199, a declaration of an international armed conflict will be followed immediately by massive conscription of young people who will be sent to the front to become cannon fonder. Any volunteers?

I have a reserve liability of about 15 years and it is likely that I would be called out for military service in the event of a long draw-out war. I would not honour such a call because I hold the view that going to Somalia to fight any group is unjustifiable, and is just meant to massage the egos of war-mongers who will be watching the children of the poor die from the comfort of their villas.

Capt (Rtd) Wanderi is a certified fraud examiner and a lawyer.

Source: Daily Nation

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