Saturday, April 25, 2009

Somalia: Government welcomes the arrival of opposition leader

Somalia’s government has welcomed the arrival of the opposition leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys on Friday.

President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed said his arrival shows that Mogadishu is safer that it was before and called for him to work for the peace.

Sheik Abdirahman Janaqow, the minister for justice of the Somali government hailed the arrival of Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys in Mogadishu and said it will do something about the reconciliation efforts in Mogadishu.

“Sheik Hassan has an important role in the Somali politics and I hope that his arrival will change something about the political deadlock in the country,” said Jaqaow

The Somali people in Mogadishu said they hope that Sheik Aweys will change his mind when he sees the situation in Mogadishu.

Sheik Aweys spoke hundreds of people in the capital on Friday and called the African Union troops in Mogadishu to leave the country and added he will not talk with the government till the troops pull out.

Aweys lived in exile in Eritrea for two and half years. Aweys, Janaqow, and President Sheik Sharif were close friends before they fled from Somalia in December, 2006 when the Ethiopian troops routed the Islamic Courts Union.

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