Sunday, May 10, 2009

Somalia: pirates Factory - History and modernity

In the XXI century piracy of the theme for adventure books has become a harsh reality, to endanger the safe navigation.

Somalia, the once rapidly growing African country has become a pirated slot. The process of turning Somalia into database pirates Indian Ocean was long enough, and it actively participated in several Western countries.

Let’s make a small digression into the history of this state. In 1969 in a military coup, was proclaimed by President Mohammed Siad Barre, who announced a course for the construction of socialism with an Islamic specificity. In the 1970-1977 biennium. Somalia has received substantial Soviet military and economic aid, the Soviet fleet was based on the base in Berbera. Number of workers in the country of Soviet specialists to the mid 70’s was estimated at several thousand. In the early 70’s, during a famine, so frequent phenomenon for these places, managed to avoid further victims only because of Soviet pilots who transport people from the affected areas and move products.

At this point, the country has successfully developed, implemented, industrialization, construction industries.

It is worth noting the most important geopolitical location of the country. It is therefore understandable that the Soviet presence in the region is a serious concern the West. «Hawks» even argued that the state in the Horn of Africa will be used for communist expansion, as in the south - deep into Africa and the North - in the Arabian Peninsula. As a result of multi-combination of the American special services managed to provoke aggression against Ethiopia, Somalia, a country that is also of the Soviet orientation. Soviet diplomats and advisers are not able to stop Mohamed Siad Barre, and as a result, Moscow has had to take the victim of aggression - Ethiopian and Somali forces were defeated. Close ties with the Soviet Union in 1977. were interrupted. A Somali was to build relations with Western powers, who immediately proceeded to build the country’s powerful agency impact.

This has enabled them to organize the 80-ies. in the north, the rebel war, and as a result of the ongoing crisis in 1991, President Mohammed Siad Barre was overthrown and the country was plunged into complete chaos. As a result, Somalia as a state virtually ceased to exist, would lose all the attributes of a unified state and split into many shreds, controlled by rival warlords among themselves. The northern part of the country proclaimed its independence as the Republic of Somaliland.

Somalia has become a platform where the Western model and tested the special in fact different technologies. Thus, this country has become one of the first countries where the concept is being «the controlled chaos».

One of the results was a dramatic famine of 1991-1992., Took the lives of 300 thousand man. This in turn has given rise to the realization of «humanitarian intervention», which then will be applied in the Balkans.

The country had 14 «Governments», some of them were under foreign influence . Attempts to unite the country did not have, and it is deeper down into the abyss of anarchy. In December 2006, the United States were able to initiate the invasion of Ethiopia in Somalia and overthrow the government of the Union of Islamic Courts. ” The country has been established a new government, but the order is not added.

Then the events developed as follows: using the anarchy gripped the country, foreign ships from Asia and Europe began to run in the waters of Somalia. According to the Organization for food and agriculture, the UN, the 2005 “700 foreign vessels engaged in illegal fishing in the area of Somalia.” The local fishermen have argued that foreign poachers not only take away our fish, but it has yet to give us fish. They destroy our boat and cut the chains “.

In 1996, Gulf of Aden following incident occurred: a foreign ship under the name “Red Jolly” dropped containers with toxic waste. In 2004. Tsunami thrown a few of these containers to the shore, and their contents turned the sea into the local Chernobyl. Tens of thousands of local residents got serious disease: internal bleeding, skin irregularities cancerous tumors, lesions and other respiratory organs. According to Nick Natela, the Speaker in the UN to combat environmental pollution in the sea were: uranium, lead, cadmium, mercury and other chemicals. ” From toxic poisoning deaths of about 300 people. Nick Natela demanded from the UN to investigate. UN refused. Despite the obvious fact there was no clear water, no compensation.

The Swiss firm “Achair Partners” and the Italian firm “Progresso” admitted that the local princeling Ali Madi allowed them to discard the waste at a cost of $3 per ton. Recycling or disposal of waste in Europe would be worth at least $1000 per tonne.

In the end, deprived of their livelihood Somali fishermen armed and began to seize foreign ships and demand ransom from their owners. It started in the second half of 2005.

Newly pirates claimed that all the money from the seizure will go to clean up waters of Somalia. This idea has received broad support for the country’s population. The success of the pirates made easier by the fact that commercial vessels shall be prohibited to have weapons on board, as well as to use them, making extraction more accessible.

In 2008, former fishermen was developed sophisticated tactical operation where have used speed boats instead of boats and canoes, as well as cellular communications. The amount of ransom has increased from $500 to $2mln. for each of the 48 captured in 2008 the courts.

The leader of the pirates Dzhanuna Ali Zhdama that claimed: «We do not cause violence to the crew and not stealing their cargo. Our coast destroyed. It seems to me the money, nothing, compared to the harm that was caused to us ».

When the UN representative in Somalia, sounded the alarm about the fact that the dumping of toxic wastes is continuing, presiding over the UN Security Council the representative of France Maurice Ripert said: «I will not say anything about this». U.S. Warships patrolled the Gulf of Aden waters, but did none of those vessels are not prevented the dumping of toxic waste.

Republicans call for a new U.S. invasion of Somalia, and on the planet there is no State, protesting against the dumping of toxic waste into the waters of this African country.

Of course, it would be wrong to represent the Somali pirates этакими selfless environmentalists. But be aware that the country and its people to such a deplorable state led foreign special services, consistently implementing this concept of «controlled conflict». What they needed in the first place - the dumping ground for waste, or ground for the development of the actions of an international force?

Whatever the case, but the only power in that case did not lead to success. It requires integrated, and that is important - just solutions.

It will be recalled that twenty years ago in Somalia, there was the Coast Guard to protect coastal waters from illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste, and the pirates was not there.

Center for political freedom

Source: Islamic News (

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